Tuesday 4 January 2011

Knocked out

I knew that i wanted the main character to be obstructed or delayed in some way during the running scene to an unknown destination my the audience. The delay would explain how the kidnapper had time to get the DVD of captured girlfriend to the house before the main character had time to sprint there. I thought the best way to do this would to be to knock the character unconscious. This, along with the change in lighting when he awakens will explain the pass in time.

I was unsure on how i would effectively and convincingly knock the character unconscious untill i recently watched the new film 'Robbin Hood (2010 starring Russell Crowe directed by Ridley scott)'. There is a sequence in the film where Russell Crowe is knocked unconscious by being hit in the face with a thick stick, you could hear him be hit but the video suddenly cut off. I wanted to recreate this to obstruct the running scene but i also wanted to keep a similar style to the way i am directing (the style of crank) so i used POV shots to do it. I think it worked well in creating an abrupt and effective explanation of the preceding plot.

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